Astrobiology and Origins of Life


Bristow, T.F., J.P. Grotzinger, E.B. Rampe, J. Cuadros, S.J. Chipera, G. Downs, C.M. Fedo, J. Frydenvang, A.C. McAdam, C.N. Achilles, D.F. Blake, N. Castle, P. Craig, D.J. Des Marais, R.T. Downs, R.M. Hazen, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, S.M. Morrison, M.T. Thorpe, A.H. Treiman, V. Tu, D.T. Vaniman, A.S. Yen, R. Gellert, P. R. Mahaffy, R.C. Wiens, A.B. Byrk, K.A. Bennett, V.K. Fox, R.E. Millken, A.A. Fraeman, and A.R. Vasavada (2021) Brine Driven Diagenesis of Clay Minerals in Gale Crater, Mars. Science, in press.

Tu, V.M., E.B. Rampe, T.F. Bristow, M.T. Thorpe, J.V. Clark, N. Castle, A.A. Fraeman, L.A.  Edgar, A. McAdam, C. Bedford, C.N. Achilles, D. Blake, S.J. Chipera, Patricia I. Craig, David J. Des Marais, Gordie W. Downs, R.T. Downs, V. Fox, J.P. Grotzinger, R.M. Hazen, D.W. Ming, R.V. Morris, S.M. Morrison, B. Pavri, T.S. Peretyazhko, P.C. Sarazin, B. Sutter, A.H. Treiman, D.T. Vaniman, A., R. Vasavada, A.S. Yen, and J.C. Bridges (2021) A review of the phyllosilicates in Gale Crater as detected by the CheMin instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity rover. Minerals, in press.

Hazen, R.M., and Morrison, S.M. (2021) Mineralogical environments of the Hadean Eon: Templates for the Origins of Life? In: A. Neubeck and S. McMahon, Eds., Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life. Springer. In press.



Hao, J., Knoll, A.H., Huang, F., Hazen, R.M., and Daniel, I. (2020) Cycling phosphorus on the Archean Earth: Part I. Continental weathering and riverine transport of phosphorus, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 273, 70-84.

Hao, J., Knoll, A.H., Huang, F., Schieber, J., Hazen, R.M., and Daniel, I. (2020) Cycling phosphorus on the Archean Earth: Part II. Phosphorus limitation on primary production in Archean ecosystems, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 280, 360-377.

Rampe, E.B., Bristow, T.F., Morris, R.V., Morrison, S.M., Achilles, C.N., Ming, D.W., Vaniman, D.T., Blake, D.F., Tu, V.M., Chipera, S.J., Yen, A.S., Peretyazhko, T.S., Downs, R.T., Hazen, R.M., Treiman, A.H., Grotzinger, J.P., Castle, N., Craig, P.I., Des Marais, D.J., Thorpe, M.T., Walroth, R.C., Downs, G.W., Fraeman, A.A., Siebach, A.L., Gellert, R., McAdam, A.C., Sutter, B., and Salvatore, M.R. (2020) Mineralogy of Vera Rubin Ridge from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin instrument. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 125, e2019JE006306.

Johnson, S., Graham, H., Des Marais, D.J., and Hazen, R.M.  (2020) Detecting life on Earth and the limits of analogy. In Planetary Astrobiology (V. Meadows et al., eds.), pp. 121–150. Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, DOI: 10.2458/azu_uapress_9780816540068-ch005.

Castle, N., Treiman, A.H., Achilles, C., Blake, D., Bristow, T., Chipera, S., Craig, P., Downs, G., Downs, R., Hazen, R., Ming, D., Morrison, S., Morookian, J., Rampe, E., Tu, V., Vaniman, D., Walroth, R., Wilson, M. (2020) Detection and Quantification of Minor Phases in CheMin X-Ray Diffraction Results from Mars. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, in press.

Morris, R.V., Rampe, E.B., Vaniman, D.T., Christiffersen, R., Yen, A.S., Morrison, S.M., Ming, D.M., Achilles, C.N., Fraeman, A.A., Le, L., Tu, V.M., Ott, J.P., Treiman, A.H., Hogancamp, J.V., Graff, T.G., Adams, M., Hamilton, J.C., Mertzman, S.A., Bristow, T.F., Blake, D.F., Castle, N., Chipera, S.J., Craig, P.I., Des Marais, D.J., Dowms, G., Downs, R.T., Hazen, R.M., Morookian, J.-M., and Thorpe, M. (2020) Hydrothermal precipitation of sanidine (adularia) having full Al,Si structural disorder and specular hematite at Maunakea Volcano (Hawai’i) and Gale Crater (Mars). Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 125, e2019JE006324. 

Rampe, E.B., D. F. Blake, T. F. Bristow, D. W. Ming, D. T. Vaniman, R. V. Morris, C. N. Achilles, S. J. Chipera, S. M. Morrison, V. M. Tu, A. S.  Yen, N. Castle, G. W. Downs, R. T. Downs, J. P. Grotzinger, R. M. Hazen, A. H. Treiman, T. S. Peretyazhko, D. J. Des Marais, R. C. Walroth, P. I. Craig, J. A. Crisp, B. Lafuente, J. M. Morookian, P. C. Sarrazin, M. T. Thorpe, J. C. Bridges, L. A. Edgar, C. M. Fedo, C. Freissinet, R. Gellert, P. R. Mahaffy, H. E. Newsom, J. R. Johnson, L. C. Kah, K. L. Siebach, J. Schieber, V. Z. Sun, A. R. Vasavada, C. Webster, D. Wellington, R. C. Wiens, and the MSL Science Team, Mineralogy and geochemistry of sedimentary rocks and aeolian sediments in Gale crater, Mars: a review after six Earth years of exploration with CuriosityGeochemistry (Chemie der Erde), 80, 12605.

Achilles, C.N, Rampe, E.B., Downs, R.T., Bristow, T.F., Ming, D.W., Morris, R.V., Vaniman, D.T., Blake, D.F., Yen, A.S., McAdam, A.C., Sutter, B., Fedo, C.M., Gwizd, S., Thompson, L.M., Gellert, R., Morrison, S.M., Treiman, A.H., Crisp, J.A., Gabriel, T.S.J., Chipera, S.J., Hazen, R.M., Craig, P.I., Thorpe, M.T., Des Marais, D.J., Grotzinger, J.P., Tu, V.M., Downs, G.W., Peretyazhko, T.S., Walroth, R.C., Sarrazin, P., and Morookian, J.M. (2020) Evidence for Multiple Diagenetic Episodes in Ancient Fluvial-Lacustrine Sedimentary Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 125, e2019JE006295. 

Fornaro, T., Brucato, J.R., Poggiali, G., Corazzi, M.A., Biczysko, M., Jaber, M., Foustoukos, D., Hazen, R.M., and Steele, A. (2020) UV Irradiation and near infrared characterization of laboratory Mars soil analog samples. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 



Estrada, C,, Sverjensky, D.A., and Hazen, R.M. (2019) Selective adsorption of aspartate facilitated by calcium on [Mg(OH)2]-brucite. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3, 1-7.  DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.8b00081

Chan, M.A., Hinman, N.W., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Schubert, K.E., Gillams, R.J., Awramik, S.M., Boston, P.J., Bower, D.M., Des Marais, D.J., Farmer, J.D., Jia, T.Z., King, P.L., Hazen, R.M., Leveille, R.J., Papineau, D., Rempfert, K.R., Sanchez-Roman, M., Spear, J.R., Southam, G., Stern, J.C., and Cleaves, H.J. II (2019) Deciphering biosignatures in planetary contexts. Astrobiology, 19, 28 p. doi: 10.1089/ast.2018.1903

Hao, J., Sverjensky, D.A., and Hazen, R.M. (2019) Redox states of Archean surficial environments: the importance of H2,g instead of O2,g for weathering reactions, Chemical Geology, 521, 49-58. 



Moore, E.K., Hao, J., Sverjensky, D.A., Jelen, B.I., Meyer, M., Hazen, R.M., and Falkowski, P.G. (2018) Geological and chemical factors that impacted the biological utilization of cobalt in the Archean Eon. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences,123, 743-759. DOI: 10.1002/2017G004067

Fornaro, T., Brucato, J.R., Feuillie, C., Sverjenski, D.A., Hazen, R.M., Brunetto, R., D’Amore, M., Barone, V. (2018) Binding of nucleic acid components to the serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal mineral brucite. Astrobiology, 18, 19 p. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2017.1784

Vaniman, D.T., G.M. Martínez, E.B. Rampe, T.F. Bristow, D.F. Blake, A.S. Yen, D.W. Ming, W. Rapin, P.-Y. Meslin, J.M. Morookian, R.T. Downs, S.J. Chipera, R.V. Morris, S.M. Morrison, A.H. Treiman, C.N. Achilles, K. Robertson, J.P. Grotzinger, R.M. Hazen, R.C. Wiens, and D.Y. Sumner (2018) Gypsum, bassanite, and anhydrite at Gale crater, Mars. American Mineralogist, 103, 1011-1020.

Muscente, A.D., Prabhu, A., Zhong, H., Eleish, A., Meyer, M.B., Fox, P., Hazen, R.M., and Knoll, A.H. (2018) Quantifying ecological impacts of mass extinctions with network analysis of fossil communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi = 10.1073/pnas.1719976115.

Rampe, E.B., T. F. Bristow, D. F. Blake, D. T. Vaniman, C. N. Achilles, R. E. Arvidson, N. Castle, S. J. Chipera, P. I. Craig, D. J. Des Marais, R. T. Downs, J. Farmer, R. Gellert, J. P. Grotzinger, R. Hazen, B. Horgan, M. Lapotre, A. C. McAdam, D. W. Ming, J. M. Morookian, R. V. Morris, S. M. Morrison, T. S. Peretyazhko, P. C. Sarrazin, B. Sutter, A. H. Treiman, V. Tu, C. Weitz, and A. S. Yen (2018) Sand mineralogy of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale crater, as observed in situ and from orbit. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 9488-9497.

Fornaro, T., Boosman, A., Brucato, J.R., Loes ten Kate, I., Siljestrom, S., Poggiali, G., Steele, A., and Hazen, R.M. (2018) UV irradiation of biomarkers adsorbed on minerals under Martian-like conditions: hints for life detection on Mars. Icarus, 313, 38-60.

Bristow, T. F., Rampe, E.B, Achilles, C.N., Blake, D.F., Chipera, S.J., Craig, P., Crisp, J.A., Des Marais, D.J., Downs, R.T., Gellert, R., Grotzinger, J.P., Gupta, S., Hazen, R.M., Horgan, B., Hogencamp, J.V., Mangold, N., Mahaffy, P.R., McAdam, A.C., Ming, D.W., Morookian, J.M., Morris, R.V., Morrison, S.M., Treiman, A.H., Vaniman, D.T., Vasavada, A., and Yen, A.S. (2018) Clay mineral diversity and abundance in sedimentary rocks of Gale crater, Mars, Science Advances, 4, eaar3330.



Jiang, W., Pacella, M.S., Athanasiadou, D., Nelea, V., Vali, H., Hazen, R.M., Gray, J.J., and McKee, M.D. (2017) Chrial acidic amino acids induce chiral hierarchical structure in calcium carbonate. Nature Communications, 8, 15066.

Estrada, C.E., I. Mamajanov, J. Hao, D.A. Sverjensky, G.D. Cody, and R.M. Hazen (2017) Aspartate transformation at 200°C with brucite [Mg(OH)2], NH3, and H2: Implications for prebiotic molecules in hydrothermal systems. Chemical Geology, 457, 162-172.

Rampe, E.B., Ming, D.W., Blake, D.F., Bristow, T.F., Chipera, S.J., Grotzinger, J.P., Morris, R.V., Morrison, S.M., Vaniman, D.T., Yen, A.S., Achilles, C.N., Craig, P.I., Des Marais, D.J., Downs, R.T., Farmer, J.D., Fendrich, K.V., Gellert, R., Hazen, R.M., Kah, L.C., Morookian, J.M., Peretyazhko, T.S., Sarrazin, P., Treiman, A.H., Berger, J.A., Eignebrode, J.L., Fairen, A.G., Forni, O., Gupta, S., Hurowitz, J.A., Lanza, N.L.Schmidt, M.E., Siebach, K., Sutter,

B., and Thompson, L.M. (2017) Mineralogy of an ancient lacustrine mudstone succession from the Murray formation, Gale crater, Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 471, 172-185.

Hao, J., D. A. Sverjensky, and R. M. Hazen (2017) A model for late Archean chemical weathering and world average river water, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457,191-203. 

Hao, J., D. A. Sverjensky, and R. M. Hazen (2017) Mobility of nutrients and trace metals during weathering in the late Archean, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 471, 148-159.

Hazen, R.M. (2017) Chance, necessity, and the origins of life: A physical sciences perspective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A375, 20160353. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0353

Estrada, C., Sverjensky, D.A., and Hazen, R.M. (2017) Cooperative and inhibited adsorption of D-ribose with Ca2+ and Mg2+ onto brucite [Mg(OH)2] with divalent cations. ACS Earth Space Chemistry 1, 591-600.

Achilles, C.N, Downs, R.T., Ming, D.W., Rampe, E.B., Morris, R.V., Treiman, A.H., Morrison, S.M., Blake, D.F., Vaniman, D.T., Ewing, R.C., Chipera, S.J., Yen, A.S., Bristow, T.F., Ehlmann, B.L., Gellert, R., Hazen, R.M., Fendrich, K.V., Craig, P.I., Grotzinger, J.P., Des Marais, D.J., Farmer, J.D., Sarrazin, P.C., and Morookian, J.M. (2017) Mineralogy of an active Eolian sediment from the Namib Dune, Gale Crater, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research, Planets, 122, 2344-2361.

Moore EK, Hao J, Sverjensky DA, Jelen BI, Meyer M, Hazen RM and Falkowski PG  Geological and chemical factors that impacted the biological utilization of cobalt in the Archean Eon. (in review)

Hao J, Sverjensky DA and Hazen RM  Limits on the partial pressure of H2 in the Archean atmosphere during weathering of basaltic minerals. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta (in review)

Estrada C, Sverjensky DA and Hazen RM  Selective adsorption of calcium-aspartate ligands onto [Mg(OH)2]-brucite: Implications for calcium in prebiotic chemistry. Astrobiology (in review)

Estrada C, Sverjensky DA and Hazen RM  Enhanced and inhibited adsorption of D-ribose with Ca2+ and Mg2+ onto brucite [Mg(OH)2]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (in review)

Hazen RM  Chance, necessity, and the origins of life. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (in review)

Estrada CE, Mamajanov I, Hao J, Sverjensky DA, Cody GD and Hazen RM (2017) Aspartate transformation at 200 °C with brucite [Mg(OH)2], NH3, and H2: Implications for prebiotic molecules in hydrothermal systems. Chemical Geology 457:162-172

Gherase D, Hazen RM, Krishnamurthy R and Blackmond DG (2017) Mineral-Induced Enantioenrichment of Tartaric Acid. Synlett 28(1):89-92

Wenge J, Pacella MS, Athanasiadou D, Nelea V, Vali H, Hazen RM, Gray JJ, McKee MD (2017) Chiral acidic amino acids induce chiral hierarchical structure in calcium carbonate. Nature Communications 8:15066



Ertem G, Ertem MC, McKay CP and Hazen RM (2016) Shielding biomolecules from effects of radiation by Mars analogue minerals and soils. Astrobiology 6(3):280-285

Grew ES, Krivovichev SV, Hazen RM and Hystad G (2016) Evolution of structural complexity in boron minerals. Canadian Mineralogist 54(1):125-143



Liu X-M, Kah LC, Knoll AH, Cui H, Kaufman AJ, Shahar A and Hazen RM (2015) Tracing Earth’s O2 evolution using Zn/Fe ratios in marine carbonates. Geochemical Perspective Letters 2(1):24-34

Estrada C, Sverjensky DA, Pelletier M, Razafitianamharavo A, Hazen RM (2015) Interaction between L-aspartate and the brucite [Mg(OH)2]-water interface. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 155:172-186 [pdf]

Grosch EG, Hazen RM (2015) Microbes, mineral evolution, and the rise of micro-continents: Origin and co-evolution of life with early Earth. Astrobiology 15(10):922-939

Nance JR, Armstrong JT, Cody GD, Fogel ML, Hazen RM (2015) Preserved shell-binding protein and associated pigment in the Middle Miocene (8 to 18 Ma) gastropod Ecphora. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 1:1-8

Grew ES, Dymek RF, De Hoog JCM, Harley SL, Boak JM, Hazen RM and Yates MG (2015) Boron isotopes in tourmaline from the ca. 3.7–3.8 Ga Isua supracrustal belt, Greenland: Sources for boron in Eoarchean continental crust and seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 163:156-177



Hazen RM (2014) Enantioselective adsorption on rock-forming minerals: A thought experiment. Surface Science 629:11-14

Lee N, Foustoukos DI, Sverjensky DA, Cody GD, Hazen RM (2014) The effects of temperature, ph and redox state on the stability of glutamic acid in hydrothermal fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 135:66-86

Lee N, Sverjensky DA, Hazen RM (2014) Cooperative and competitive adsorption of amino acids with Ca2+ on rutile (α-TiO2). Environmental Science and Technology 48:9358-9365

Lee N, Foustoukos DI, Sverjensky DA, Cody GD, Hazen RM (2014) Hydrogen enhances the stability of amino acids in hydrothermal environments. Chemical Geology 386:184-189



Livi KJT, Schaffer B, Azzolini D, Seabourne CR, Hardcastle TP, Scott AJ, Hazen RM, Erlebacher JD, Brydson R, Sverjensky DA (2013) Atomic scale roughness of rutile and implications for molecular surface adsorption. Langmuir 29:6876-6883

Noffke N, Christian D, Wacey D, Hazen RM (2013) Microbially induced sedimentary structures recording an ancient ecosystem in the ca. 3.48 billion-year-old Dresser Formation, Pilbara, Western Australia. Astrobiology Journal 13(12):1103-1124

Hazen RM (2013) Paleomineralogy of the Hadean Eon: A preliminary species list. American Journal of Science 313(9):807-843



Hazen RM (2012) Geochemical origins of life. Fundamentals of Geobiology, eds Knoll AH, Canfield DE, Konhauser KO (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford) pp 315-332

Hazen RM (2012) An accident waiting to happen (That’s Life). Eureka, The Times 33:14-19

Cleaves II HJ, Scott AM, Hill FC, Leszczynski J, Sahai N, Hazen RM (2012) Mineral-organic interfacial processes: potential roles in the origins of life. Chemical Society Reviews 41:5502-5525

Lee N, Hummer DR, Sverjensky DS, Rajh T, Hazen RM, Steele A, Cody GD (2012) Speciation of L-DOPA on nanorutile as a function of pH and surface coverage using surface-enhance Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Langmuir 28:17322-17330 [pdf]



Bahri S, Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Azzolini D, Sverjensky DA, Hazen RM (2011) Adsorption and surface complexation study of L-DOPA on rutile (TiO2) in NaCl solutions. Environmental Science and Technology 45:3959-3966

Grew ES, Bada JL, Hazen RM (2011) Borate minerals and the origin of the RNA world. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 41:307-316

Parikh SJ, Kubicki JD, Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Hazen RM, Sverjensky DA, Sparks DL (2011) Evaluating glutamate and aspartate binding mechanisms to rutile (a-TiO2) via ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. Langmuir 27:1778-1787 [pdf]

Cleaves II HJ, Crapster-Pregont E, Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Sverjensky DA, Hazen RM (2011) The adsorption of short single-stranded DNA oligomers to mineral surfaces. Chemosphere 8:1560–1567 [pdf] 

Livi KJT, Schaffer B, Azzolini D, Seabourne CR, Sader K, Shannon M, Sverjensky D, Hazen RM, Brydson R (2011) Imaging the surface of Rutile by STEM and its implication for organic molecule bonding. Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference 2011 (MC2011), August 28-September 02, Kiel/Germany, p M6_P621



Cleaves II HJ, Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Sverjensky DA, Hazen RM (2010) Adsorption of nucleic acid components on rutile (TiO2) surfaces. Astrobiology 10:311-323 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Sverjensky DA (2010) Mineral Surfaces, Geochemical Complexities and the Origins of Life. Origins of Cellular Life, eds Deamer DW, Szostak JW, Cold Springs Harbor Perspectives in Biology [pdf]

Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Sverjensky DA, Cleaves II HJ, Hazen RM (2010) Adsorption of L-asparate to rutile (a-TiO2): Experimental and theoretical surface complexation studies. Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta 74:2356–2367 [pdf]

Hazen RM (2010) How old is the Earth, and how do we know? Evolution: Education and Outreach 3:198-205 [pdf]

Marshall-Bowman K, Ohara S, Sverjensky DA, Hazen RM and Cleaves HJ (2010) Catalytic peptide hydrolysis by mineral surface: Implications for prebiotic chemistry Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74:20:5852-5861



Hazen RM (2009) The emergence of patterning in life’s origin and evolution. International Journal of Developmental Biology 53:683-692 [pdf]

Hazen RM (2009) Emergence and the experimental pursuit of the origin of life. AAAS volume, ed Bertka C (Cambridge University Press, New York) pp 21-46

Hazen RM (2009) The chemical evolution of life: An Introduction. Chemical Evolution II: From Origins of Life to Modern Society, eds Zaikowski L, Friedrich JM. American Chemical Society Symposium Series 1025:3-13 [pdf]

Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Sverjensky DA, Cleaves HJ, Hazen RM (2009) Attachment of L-Glutamate to Rutile (a-TiO2): A potentiometric, adsorption, and surface complexation study. Langmuir 25:12127-12135 [pdf]



Ertem G, Snellinger-O'Brien AM, Ertem MC, Rogoff DA, Dworkin JP, Johnston MV, Hazen RM (2008) Abiotic formation of RNA-like oligomers by montmorillonite catalysis: part II. International Journal of Astrobiology 7(1):1-7 [pdf]

Castro-Puyana M, Salgado A, Hazen RM, Crego AL, Marina ML (2008) Investiation of the enantioselective adsorption of 3-carboxy adipic acid on minerals by capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 29:1548-1555 [pdf]

Brandes JA, Hazen RM, Yoder Jr HS (2008) Inorganic nitrogen reduction and stability under simulated hydrothermal conditions. Astrobiology 8:1113-1126 [pdf]

Sverjensky DA, Jonsson CM, Jonsson CL, Cleaves HJ, Hazen RM (2008) Glutamate surface speciation on amorphous titanium dioxide and hydrous ferric oxide. Environmental Science & Technology 40:6034-6039

Noffke N, Beukes N, Bower D, Hazen RM, Swift DJP (2008) An actualistic perspective into Archean worlds - (cyano-)bacterially induced sedimentary structures in the siliciclastic Nhlazatse Section, 2.9 Ga Pongola Supergroup, South Africa. Geobiology 6:5-20 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Papineau D, Bleeker W, Downs RT, Ferry J, McCoy T, Sverjensky D, Yang H (2008) Mineral evolution. American Mineralogist 93:1693-1720  [pdf]



Hazen RM, Griffin PL, Carothers JM, Szostak JW (2007) Functional information and the emergence of biocomplexity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:8574-8581 [pdf]

Hazen RM (2007) The emergence of chemical complexity: An Introduction. Chemical Evolution I: Chemical Change across Space and Time, eds Zaikowski L, Friedrich JM. American Chemical Society Symposium pp 2-14 [pdf]

Ertem G, Hazen RM, Dworkin JP (2007) Sequence analysis of trimer isomers formed by montmorillonite catalysis in the reaction of binary monomer mixtures. Astrobiology 7(5):715-724 [pdf]

Bada J, Fegley Jr B, Miller SL, Lazcano A, Cleaves HJ, Hazen RM, Chalmers J, Wachtershauser G, Huber C (2007) Debating evidence for the origin of life on Earth. Science 315(5814):937-938 [pdf]

Hazen RM (2007) Emergence and the origin of life: Presentation, questions and responses. Workshop Report: Philosophical, Ethical, and Theological Implications of Astrobiology, eds Bertka C, Roth N, Shindell M (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington) pp 30-40

Hazen RM, Deamer D (2007) Hydrothermal reactions of pyruvic acid: synthesis, selection, and self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 37:143-152 [pdf]

Boyce CK, Hotton CL, Fogel ML, Cody GD, Hazen RM, Knoll AH (2007) Devonian landscape heterogeneity recorded by a giant fungus. Geology 35:399-402 [pdf]



Hazen RM (2006) Mineral surfaces and the prebiotic selection and organization of biomolecules (Presidential Address to the Mineralogical Society of America). American Mineralogist 91:1715-1729 [pdf]

Noffke N, Eriksson KA, Hazen RM, Simpson EL (2006) A new window into Early Archean life: Microbial mats in Earth's oldest siliciclastic tidal deposits (3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Africa). Geology 34:253-256 [pdf]

Noffke N, Beukes N, Hazen RM, Gutzmer J (2006) Spatial and temporal distribution of microbially induced sedimentary structures: A case study from siliciclastic storm deposits of the 2.9 Ga Witwatersrand Supergroup, South Africa. Precambrian Research 146:35-44 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Steele A, Maule J, Martin R, Vicenzi E (2006) Applications of microarray technology to the study of mineral-molecule interactions. Astrobiology 6(1):223

Hazen RM, Snellinger AM, Dworkin JP, Scott JH, Cody GD, Fogel ML, Johnston MV, Ertem G (2006) MALDI-MS analysis of hetero-trimer fractions formed by montmorillonite catalysis in the reaction of binary monomer mixtures. Astrobiology 6(1):250-251

Asthagiri A, Hazen RM (2006) An ab initio study of adsorption of alanine on the chiral calcite (2131) surface. Molecular Simulation 33:343-351 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Deamer D (2006) Hydrothermal reactions of pyruvic acid: synthesis, selection, and self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 37:143-152 [pdf]



Hazen RM (2005) Genesis: The Scientific Quest for Life's Origin. (Joseph Henry Press, Washington) 339 p

Hazen RM (2005) Genesis: Rocks, minerals and the geochemical origin of life. Elements 1(3):135-137 [pdf]



Hazen RM (2004) Chiral crystal faces of common rock-forming minerals. Progress in Biological Chirality, eds Palyi G, Zucchi C, Cagglioti L (Elsevier, New York) pp 137-151 [pdf]

Churchill H, Teng H, Hazen RM (2004) Correlation of pH-dependent surface interaction forces to amino acid adsorption: Implications for the origin of life. American Mineralogist 89:1048-1055 [pdf]

Cody GD, Boctor NZ, Brandes JA, Filley TR, Hazen RM, Yoder Jr HS (2004) Assaying the catalytic potential of transition metal sulfides for prebiotic carbon fixation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68:2185-2196 [pdf]

Downs RT, Hazen RM (2004) Chiral indices of crystalline surfaces as a measure of enantioselective potential. Journal of Molecular Catalysis 216:273-285 [pdf]



Noffke N, Nhleko N, Hazen RM (2003) Earth's earliest microbial mats in a siliciclastic marine environment (2.9 Ga Mozaan Group, South Africa). Geology 31:673-677 [pdf]

Hazen RM (2003) Factors that influence the emergence of complexity in prebiotic geochemical systems. Astrobiology 2(4):599

Hazen RM, Sholl DS (2003) Origins of biomolecular homochirality: selective molecular adsorption on crystalline surfaces. Astrobiology 2(4):598-599

Hazen RM, Steele A, Cody GD, Fogel ML, Huntress Jr WT (2003) Biosignatures and abiosignatures. Astrobiology 2(4):512-513

Boyce CK, Knoll AH, Cody GD, Fogel ML, Hazen RM (2003) Chemical evidence for cell wall lignification and the evolution of tracheids in Early Devonian plants. International Journal of Plant Science 164:691-702 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Sholl DS (2003) Chiral selection on inorganic crystalline surfaces. Nature Materials 2:367-374 [pdf]



Sharma A, Scott JH, Cody GD, Fogel ML, Hazen RM, Hemley RJ and Huntress WT (2002) Microbial activity at gigapascal pressures. Science 295:1514-1516 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Boctor N, Brandes JA, Cody GD, Hemley RJ, Sharma A and Yoder Jr HS(2002) High pressure and the origin of life. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14:1-6 [pdf]

Hazen RM (2002) Emergence and the origin of life. Fundamentals of life, eds Palyi G, Zucchi C, Caglioti L (Elsevier, New York) pp 41-50



Cody GD, Hazen RM, Brandes JA, Morowitz HJ, Yoder Jr HS (2001) Geochemical roots of autotrophic carbon fixation: Hydrothermal experiments in the system citric acid, H2O-(±FeS)-(±NiS). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65:3557-3576 [pdf]

Hazen RM (2001) Life's rocky start. Scientific American 284(4):76-85 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Filley TR, Goodfriend GA (2001) Selective adsorption of L- and D-amino acids on calcite: implications for biochemical homochirality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98:5487-5490

Boyce CK, Hazen RM, Knoll AH (2001) Nondestructive, in situ, cellular-scale mapping of elemental abundances including organic carbon in permineralized fossils. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98:5970-5974 [pdf]

Hazen RM, Roedder E (2001) How old are bacteria from the Permian age? Nature 411(6834):155 [pdf]



Cody GD, Boctor NZ, Filley TR, Hazen RM, Scott JH, Yoder Jr HS (2000) Primordial carbonylated iron-sulfur compounds and the synthesis of pyruvate. Science 289:1337-1340 [pdf]

Brandes JA, Hazen RM, Yoder Jr HS, Cody GD (2000) Early pre- and post-biotic synthesis of alanine: an alternative to the Strecker synthesis. Perspectives in Amino Acid and Protein Geochemistry, eds Goodfriend GA, Collins MJ, Fogel ML, Macko SA, Wehmiller JF (Oxford University Press, New York) pp 41-59 [pdf]



Hazen RM (1999) A new perspective on the origin of life. The NOVA Reader: Science at the Turn of the Millennium, ed Hackman S (TV Books, New York) pp 48-54

Hazen RM (1999) Book review of "Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils" by Schopf JW. Physics Today 52(10):75-76



Brandes JA, Boctor NZ, Cody GD, Cooper BA, Hazen RM, Yoder Jr HS (1998) Abiotic nitrogen reduction on the early Earth. Nature 395:365-367 [pdf] Also, Chris Chyba's commentary on this article: [pdf]

Hazen RM (1998) The stuff of life: What was life's first energy source? The Planetary Report 18:16-17