The Evolutionary System of Mineralogy


Hazen, R.M., and Morrison, S.M. (2021) On the paragenetic modes of minerals: A mineral evolution perspective. American Mineralogist, in press

Hazen, R.M., Morrison, S.M., Krivovichev, S.L., and Downs, R.T. (2021) Lumping and splitting: Toward a classification of mineral natural kinds. American Mineralogist, in press.

Hazen, R.M. (2021) Reply to “Comment on ‘An evolutionary system of mineralogy: Proposal for a classification based on natural kind clustering’.” American Mineralogist, 106, 154-156.

Hazen, R.M., Morrison, S.M., and Prabhu, A. (2021) An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part III: Primary chondrule mineralogy (4.566 to 4.561 Ga). American Mineralogist, 106, 325-350.

Morrison, S.M. and Hazen, R.M. (2021) An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part IV: Planetesimal differentiation and impact mineralization (4.566 to 4.560 Ga). American Mineralogist, 106, in press. DOI:

Hazen, R.M., and Morrison, S.M. (2021) An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part V: Planetesimal Aqueous and thermal alteration of planetesimals (4.565 to 4.550 Ga). American Mineralogist, 106, in press.

Boujibar, A., Howell, S., Zhang, S., Hystad, G., Prabhu, A., Liu, N., Stephan, T., Narkar, S., Eleish, A., Morrison, S.M., Hazen, R.M., and Nittler, L.R. (2021) Cluster analysis of presolar silicon carbide grains: Evaluation of their classification and astrophysical implications. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 907, L39 (14 pp).

Hystad, G., Boujibar, A., Liu, N., Nittler, L.R., and Hazen, R.M. (2021) Evaluation of the classification of presolar silicon carbide grains using consensus clustering with resampling methods: an assessment of the confidence of grain assignments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, in review.



Hazen, R.M. and Morrison, S.M. (2020) An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part I: stellar mineralogy (>13 to 4.6 Ga). American Mineralogist, 105, 627-651.  DOI: 10.2138/am-2020-7173

Morrison, S.M., and Hazen, R.M. (2020) An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part II: Interstellar and solar nebula primary condensation mineralogy (> 4.565 Ga). American Mineralogist, 105, 1508-1535. DOI:

Cleland, C.E., Hazen, R.M., and Morrison, S.M. (2020) Historical natural kinds and mineralogy: Systematizing contingency in the context of necessity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2015370118 (8 p).



Hazen, R.M. (2019) An evolutionary system of mineralogy: Proposal for a classification based on natural kind clustering. American Mineralogist, 104, 810-816.  DOI: 10.2138/am-2019-6709